Functional Size Measurement (Function Points) are often misconstrued as technical, difficult or a silver bullet - none of which is true. This short 30 minute…
It is with pride and honor to share with you news about the upcoming Sept 13-15, 2017 celebratory (and educational) conference: ISMA14 (International Software Measurement…
The pace of technology advancement can be staggering - new tools, methods, acronyms, programming languages, platforms and solutions - come at us at warp speed,…
Spice Conference. Please join us for the Software Process Improvement Capability dEtermination conference! May 29-31, 2012 Palma de Mallorca SPAIN. Everyone welcome!
We've seen many advancements of late in process improvement, better software estimating models, introducing flexibility and agility into software development, formal project management, limiting work-in-progress,…
Software estimating is plagued by dysfunction, not the least of which is estimation based on under-reported historical hours from previously completed projects. See posting IT…
CrossTalk Jan/Feb 2010 Scope Management: 12 Steps for ICT Program Recovery by Carol Dekkers, Quality Plus Technologies, Inc. Pekka Forselius, 4SUM Partners, Inc. ABSTRACT: The…
Quote for those tasked with implementing a sustainable measurement program with positive ROI: "When we seek generalities we fail. When we seek specifics it is…